Monday, July 4, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

“You should blog,” a friend of mine says, in all sincerity.
“You should write a blog,” she repeated.
“Because you’re funny, and give good advice.” Yeah, good unwanted advice.
“Besides, you have something to say.”

Well, who doesn’t? In this day and age, quite frankly, who doesn’t? Every where you look, someone’s blogging about something. Everyone has something to say about everything and anything. But really, who wants to read about my daily musings regarding my cat, dog, turtle, or iguana? About the latest amazing feat my child performed, or passed, or achieved. I like reading some of the blogging stories because I can relate. Also, it wastes time when I really should be concentrating on something else in dire need of my attention. However, as a professional procrastinator, I must keep up on my game.

Blogging is the latest fad. Some blogs are really quite good. Filled with information about products, and things you never knew. Things to scare you into living a healthier life. Things you’d rather not know. Things you’re sure will lead to your imminent doom, creating a giant chasm in your thoughtful journey for enlightenment. Things like meat glue. Touted as wonderful by celebrity chefs, but poison by every other governmental group except the USDA. All the more reason to be a vegan. Confidently stated by my vegetarian and vegan friends.

Some blogs are vlogs. Video blogs. Short little vignettes of entertainment… just enough to amuse, but not enough to make you change the channel. Some are just for your friends, or relatives, or for you to relive at a later date. Most are throw aways, but there are some keepers that go “viral”. Posting on Youtube has catapulted some of the most annoying video filmmakers into online sensations. It has also alerted us to the extremely talented, and wonderfully imaginative human beings on the planet. Bringing them out of their small bedrooms, and into the viral world of entertainment. Saving homeless men from their dire dregs, allowing them to rejoin society, or bringing to light the beautiful voices of nine year olds.

Blogging is the new way we connect. Although it’s a great big world out there, and we’re millions of miles apart, we will always find some way to make it smaller. “Small World“, we often comment. It’s a comforting thought. We are connected. We are one. In some loving, simple way, we can find others who think like us. Some are weird; some are destructive; some are beautiful and enlightening; and some make us feel less alone as we make our way along this path we call life.

So do I want to be one of the millions who throws her two cents into the ring, commenting on life’s little musings, and possibly subjecting herself to the criticism or praise of strangers?  I believe I do.


Diane said...

Hi Lynn,

I read your blog and was really taken to the place that your son was feeling as he was being ridiculed by some ridiculous teacher. I identified and felt his pain and see what a great parent you are to keep fighting the system. A terrific blog...keep up the good work ;)

Lynn Norton said...

Thanks, Diane! Somehow this posted to the wrong article, but I appreciate your comments! Especially coming from another writer.